Popular Kings Articles

The Fir Bolg & The Third Invasion of Ireland

In the Mythological Cycle of Irish Mythology, the Fir Bolg (men of bags) arrived in Ireland after suffering 200 years of slavery in Greece. The Fir Bolg were descended from the Muintir Nemid, who, following the defeat of the Nemedians by the Fomorian Sea raiders,...

When James II Is Crowned King Of England

On 06 February 1685, James Stuart, Duke of York, succeeded Charles ll as king of England, Ireland and as James VII, king of Scotland. Charles had died without leaving legitimate children though quite a number of illegitimate ones. James had fled to the continent...

The 16th Century Period In Ireland

The 16th century was a time of significant change and upheaval in Ireland. During this period, the island was ruled by a series of English and Scottish monarchs, and English influence grew as English settlers began to arrive in Ireland, known as the Plantation of...

Invasion of Anglo-Normans

The invasion of Anglo-Normans in Ireland was a turning point in Irish history and is considered an important era. Although the conquest of the Normans was short lived in Ireland, approx 200 years, their occupation had a huge influence in Ireland some of which is still...
The Battle of Clontarf

The Battle of Clontarf

The Battle of Clontarf took place on Good Friday 1014 April 23rd, located near Dublin. The battle was between Brian Boru and the King of Leinster, Máel Mórda mac Murchada. Brian Boru had an army of 7,000 men and the...

King Brian Boru of Ireland

King Brian Boru of Ireland

Brian Boru was the last king of Ireland and is said to have been born around 940-950 in Thomond, now known as County Clare, to his mother Bé Binn and father, King Cennétig mac Lorcáin. Brian’s mother was killed by...

The murder of the Clonycavan Man

The murder of the Clonycavan Man

In March 2003 a body was found by Peat cutters in a bog in Clonycavan, County Meath. The gruesome discovery gave us an insight into how the Clonycavan man was murdered over 2,000 years ago. The Clonycavan man, as he...

The Hill of Tara

The Hill of Tara

Located in County Meath is the Hill Of Tara (Teamhair na Rí) known as the Hill of the Kings which runs between Dunshaughlin and Navan. The history of Tara dates back to 2000 BC making it one of the most magical places...

Niall Of The Nine Hostages

Niall Of The Nine Hostages

There is a lot of confusion over the life of Niall Noigiallach as historians have different theories on when he was born, died etc. It has been said that he was one of the High Kings of Ireland and that he reigned sometime at the end of the 4th century or the...

High Kings of Ireland

High Kings of Ireland

The High Kings of Ireland is a significant part of Irish history and mythology. They were historical and legendry figures known as an Ard Rí who claimed Lordship of the entire island of Ireland. The High Kings, or at least their stories, date as far back as 1500 BC so...

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    Cathbad was an Irish Druid in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. He was one of Ireland’s [Read]
  • Aillén Mac Midgna - The Fire Breathing Goblin
    The story of Aillén Mac Midgna is described in the Fenian Cycle of Irish Mythology under The [Read]
  • St Patrick
    In Ireland, there are many folklore stories associated with the devil and his cloven feet. With the [Read]
  • Éamon de Valera
    Éamon de Valera is the man who, more than anyone else, determined Ireland’s fate and character for [Read]
  • The Castle at Carrickfergus
    From 1756 to 1763 Europe became embroiled in what was to be called “The Seven Years War”. During [Read]

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